Kineton C of E Primary School
Contact Us
King John's Road
CV35 0HS
T: 01926 640 397
E: admin3308@welearn365.com
Kineton is a Warwickshire school.
Please send general enquiries to Mrs Emma Richardson in the school office.
Paper copies of information on the school website can be provided free of charge.
The Headteacher is Mrs. Margaret Pollard, who is the SENDCO.
The Trust SENDCo is Mrs Lisa Pang who can be contacted via the school office.
he CEO of The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust is Mr. Christian Hilton.
The Chair of the Local Academy Council is Mrs. Sophie Knee-Higgins.
The Local Academy Council clerk is Mrs Sally Flynn.
The Chair of The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust is Mrs. Jo Barker. They can be contacted via the governance professional mansell.l@welearn365.com
The school car park is for staff only and visiting professionals between 8am and 5pm. Parents are asked to park courteously on the surrounding roads, respecting driveways of local residents and businesses.
Please do not park on King John's Road as doing so makes it dangerous for children and families walking, dangerous for the children using school transport, dangerous to other road users and difficult for the residents who live opposite school.
Where there is a registered disability or medical need, the school hope to accommodate parents at drop off and pick up times.