Kineton C of E Primary School
Friends of KPS
The Friends is run by an enthusiastic group of parents, staff, grandparents and volunteers from the local community who give their time to run a wide-ranging diary of events including school discos, film nights, bonfire night, Victorian evening, summer BBQ and many other fun events throughout the year.
Last year, the committee raised over £6000 which has been used to buy nearly 2000 reading books, new library shelving, a new PA system, gazebos, Jubilee spoons and Coronation badges for all children and a class set of headphones. All things that have already had a positive impact on children's learning. Friends also provide annual allowances to each class which enable us to reduce the cost of trips to parents, pay for external visitors and buy resources to enhance the curriculum. In previous years, Friends have also contributed vital funds towards the purchase of iPads, outdoor play area, projectors and supported capital building projects. All vitally important projects in ensuring our children have the best opportunities to flourish.
Anyone can get involved, by joining the committee, helping to run the events or just coming along to support. Do feel free to come along to a Friends Meeting, they are informal and sociable. A good way to get to know other parents! If you would like to come along to a meeting contact our secretary Charlotte Sharpe, or follow Friends of Kineton Primary on Facebook.